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(25 - 48 of 4,894)


The role of facial expressions of embarrassment and positive affect in cooperation between children
"So was läßt sich in unserm Jahrhunderte nicht dichten!"; Herder und die Authentizität Ossians
No More Hiroshima’s and Nagasaki’s
Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Mental Well-being of Early Adolescents
Getting it Right: The influence of parental empathic accuracy on emotion regulation in adolescents
Breaking a leg: An experimental study on the function of fragments from knapped metapodials in comparison to bone tools from the Dutch Neolithic sites of Schipluiden and Hardinxveld-Giessendam De Bruin.
Addressing Structural Racism as the Root of the Problem of Environmental Racism
Het vermogen tot inleving in anderen
Audience Reception of Dutch Subtitled Puns: A Case Study of the American Television Series Modern Family
An exploratory study into China’s outer space dream: satellite base expansion, permanent presence, and resource extraction
The role of Sexual Violence in the political and cultural identity construction of the Taliban
The influence of giftedness and pubertal phase on prosocial giving in young adolescents.
EEG Theta/Beta Ratio and its Role During Mind Wandering
Failing to Protect the Rohingya in Myanmar
Gender differences in the Civil Rights Movement: Women within the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) in the period 1960- 1964.
Leidse journalistiek: koersen op democratie?
Lost in Translation: Translation Strategies and Loss in Legal Subtitling
De evenwichtsbalk van street-level managers van Nederlandse penitentiaire inrichtingen: ondersteunende mechanismen bij het vinden van de balans tussen verantwoording en maatwerk
Decentralisatie Jeugdzorg in de gemeente Leiden
De invloed van zelfsturing op motivatie in een team bestuursorganisatie van Politie Oost-Nederland
Besturen van veiligheid, regionalisering en verantwoording
European Entrepreneurs: Speech Analysis in the European Parliament
The EU Emergency Trust Fund for Africa
