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(1 - 24 of 570)


“I want to apologise to the internet”
The Possession Paradigm: Unravelling the impact of cross-linguistic differences on language processing
In-class language choices in L2 context
An Account of Polarity Emphasis in Catalan
Production of Tone 3 Sandhi in Reduplication and Compounds
“Do You Want to Hear a Magic Trick?”: Vocal Pitch Range Effects of Dutch on the Tritone Paradox
The zebra finch as a model for intensity in first language acquisition
Dichotic Perception of Tones in Thai by Mandarin Native Speakers
“Oh thanksss my loveee”: A Qualitative Analysis of Verbal Responses to Compliments in Text Messaging
How Do Novice Translators Deal with Competing Norms?
Ethnotaxonomy of herding animals in the Sardinian culture
The Art of Translating Texts on Museum Labels
Person reference terms in the Southern Thai dialect: the Baba Yaya of Phuket Town (Thailand)
Caractéristiques spectrales des voyelles nasales du français chez des apprenants néerlandophones
The Language Regard towards Dutch L1 Speakers Using English. Verbal Loans Compared to their Dutch Equivalent(s)
Stereotype or Just a Girl?
Intralingual Retranslations as a mode of accessibility
A Case Study of Orphan Black’s Japanese Remake:
Exploring Pain Metaphor Comprehension Abilities in Large Language Models
From non-standard to standard language: what is the effect of the translation of Patria on the characterisation and the author’s ideology?
Deadpool in Dutch
From the English Source to the Korean Target:
Otuke: reviewing the only remaining data on an extinct Bolivian language
Explicitation of Latin-Greek Terms in Medical Brochures
