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(43,921 - 43,944 of 44,616)


Een afgestoft verleden. Het aardewerk en de structuren uit de late bronstijd en de vroege ijzertijd van de vindplaats Wijchen de Berendonck
Scratching the Surface. Flint assemblages of the Dutch hunebedden
Reconstruction of Cubic Surfaces
The Mindelheim Sword of Oss. Understanding the purpose and meaning of the Mindelheim sword from the chieftain’s grave of Oss in relation to its origins during the Early Iron Age
Het niveau van adaptieve vaardigheden bij jeugdigen zonder en met gedragsproblemen
Cliënttevredenheid over therapeutische behandelingen binnen Zonnehuizen
SAPHYRE Cooperation among competitors
Field Topologies on Algebraic Extensions of Finite Fields
Locating island behavior: An archaeological predictive model for the pre-Columbian cultures of Bonaire, Dutch Caribbean
Abstract Cauchy problems and stochastic integral equations
The Modularity Theorem
Gender and Status of the Ancient Mixtec in the Codex Nuttall. An Analysis of Hair and Costume
Progressing views on Sparta. Or an examination of the debate on the 'peculiarity' of Archaic and Early Classical Sparta
Modular Response Analysis
Greeks and Vikings in a colonial setting. A comparative study of the Greek settlement on the Northern Black Sea shore between the end of the 8th and the 4th centuries BC and the Norse Rus in northwestern Russia and the Middle Dnieper during the early Midd
Suprema in ruimten van operatoren
De Sluitstelling van Poncelet
Smooth functions
China and the EU in Africa: Sovereignty is What States Make of It
The use of paper objects in ancient and contemporary Nahua society of Mexico
Hellevoetsluis – Ossenhoek. A use-wear analysis
From Manqo Qhapaq to Pachakuti. Myth, History and Politics in Inka Tawantinsuyu
Why are plants green?
