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(145 - 168 of 22,934)


Beyond Justice
Improving Food Security in Developing Countries: An Analysis of Multilateral Development Bank Finance
The right to dispossess?
Competing over Norms and Connectivity: Transatlantic Responses to China’s Belt and Road Initiative
Deterrence or Intelligence?
Alliance Formations and Group Fractionalization in Civil Wars
The Impact of Freedoms on Trade Relations in Post-Soviet Russia: Comparing the Effects of Media Freedom
Dissent in the Digital Age: Understanding State Repression and Citizen Mobilization in Democracies
The influence of carbon pricing policy on social unrest: Resistance to carbon tax and emissions trading system
Is international law not international at all? Russian approaches to secessionism
The US’ (mis)perceptions of Russian power in the context of the Ukrainian war – the decline of the liberal international order?
The US as the enemy of the Venezuelan people?
Blood Belongs: The Difficulties of Belonging in a Social Caste System for Non-White Immigrants in the US
From Preservation to Perpetration: The Hidden Mechanisms of Violence in Conservation
Interrogating Whiteness: Exploring Post-Race Claims in the United States, Brazil and the Netherlands
Between Heaven and Earth: A Sociocultural Perspective on Climate Change in Contemporary Southern China
Planet Over Profit: Unpacking Corporate Influence On Environmental Privilege
Odd bedfellows: Kukathas, Forst and Arendt?
The intersectionality of crises: How the climate justice movement can be racially inclusive
The Tipping Point
Constitutional pluralism – EU legitimacy and integration
Consuming Politics: An analysis of political consumerism during the 2019 Hong Kong Anti-ELAB Movement
Contextualizing Political Responsibility: Do we all have the responsibility to act in the climate crisis?
