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(49 - 69 of 69)


De Nieuwe Conditionaliteit: Verschuivende paradigma’s of de terugkeer van het neoliberalisme in de armoedebestrijdingsstrategieën van Sub-Sahara Afrika?
The characteristics of protesters
A comparative analysis of the buildup of post-colonial countries and the effects of military regimes on the level of legitimacy
Explaining post-transition instability in Zimbabwe after the coup in 2017
Benefits in exchange for political support? The effect of social safety nets on protest participation in Sub Saharan Africa
Norm resistance in Iraq: The influence of norm antipreneurs on the draft of the Ja’fari law
Chinese Foreign Direct Investment in Sub-Saharan Africa: A “win-win” situation?
Health and the democratic dividend in Sub-Saharan Africa: Are democracies better at managing the HIV/AIDS epidemic?
The Chinese influence in Ghana and Zimbabwe over the last two decades: New colonialism or genuine trade?
Is Rwanda a developmental state? An analysis of economic policies and politics in Rwanda
The rise of gender quotas in Africa: The influence of gender quotas on support for democracy
The inclusion of traditional authorities in democratic state structures A comparative case study of Botswana and Zambia
Dodging the bullet of electoral violence: A case study of Benin
Mensenrechten in het Midden-Oosten: In hoeverre hebben de effectiviteit van de rechterlijke macht en de baanzekerheid van Assad invloed gehad op de schending van Artikel 21 van het ICCP, het recht op protest, tijdens de gemobiliseerde protesten in maart 2
Political survival and the violations of human rights: The 2018 Gaza protests and Israeli repression
‘They Are Human Beings’: An analysis of the use of ‘human rights-language’ by the Israeli Government with regards to its settlements-policies in the years 2015-2019
Democracy and climate change in Sub-Saharan Africa
Practicing democracy in contemporary Africa: To what extent can female leadership improve the position of women in African societies?
Mensenrechten onder El-Sisi: Een case study van Egypte en haar schending van de Convention Against Torture
The causal effect of NGOs on democratization: A case study of Tanzania
The Catholic Church and the Democratic Republic of the Congo: A troubled marriage towards democratisation?
