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(1 - 24 of 79)


Revolutionary Attitudes of French Students during May ’68 Through Jean-Luc Godard’s Film La Chinoise
Democratic backsliding in the Visegrad Four: a comparative study of the Polish and Slovak cases and the EU rule of law enforcement.
'Sons of Thatcher?' Het erfgoed van het Thatcherisme bij de Conservatieve premiers John Major en David Cameron, 1990-2015
The Development of Radical Discourse on Geert Wilders’ Twitter Page
Twee ministers, één vijand? De veronderstelde relatie van de Taliban en Al Qaeda in het beleid van Donald Rumsfeld en Robert Gates (2001-2011)
Civil War Violence in Kerry: A Necessary First Principle
Interlinked? Motivation and Implementation in Morocco's Migration Policy
Sex trafficking in the European Union: The quest for an effective prostitution policy in the battle against sex trafficking
Greater Involvement of Women in Paramilitary Organisations, Greater Inclusion of Women’s Issues in Politics? The Case of Republicanism and Loyalism in Northern Ireland During the Troubles
Violence and local manifestations of global contention.
Assessing European Union decision-making: Influence of member-state political debate on the refugee relocation system
Imagining Colonial Community: The Construction of Indigenous Intermediaries and Limitations of Assimilation in Colonial French-Senegal (1852-1906)
In the shadow of the communist past. Eastern Europe’s thorny way towards democracy
A 'New' New Social Movement: A Theoretical Assessment of the Yellow Vests Movement
Germany's 2015 Migrants/Refugees Crisis
Persuasive political rhetoric in Scottish popular print, 1707-1736
SECULARISATION IN IRELAND: An analysis of the reaction of Irish newspapers to scandals surrounding mother and baby homes and Magdalen laundries from 1990 until today.
Salafism In The Netherlands: The Peculiar Combination Of Pious Predecessors And Enlightened Europeans
De Ierse onafhankelijkheidsoorlog in een koloniale context
The Spitzenkandidaten: The Failure of or the Relief for European Democracy?
European Union and Transnistria. Conflict Intervention
Championing the Nation: The Neo-National ideology of the Dutch political party 'Forum Voor Democratie"
Public Opinion and the Brexit Referendum (b)
Het Verenigd Koninkrijk en de Europese Gemeenschap: Een integratiegeschiedenis van Messina tot Brugge
