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(1 - 24 of 74)


The efficacy of international and regional mediators in African internationalized civil conflicts
Women’s Presence in the Rwandan Government, and its Relation to the Education of Women and Girls
Beyond peacekeeping theories: A comparative case study of UNMIL and MONUSCO
Empire of Image: The Portrayal of Africa by Western Media
The evolving operational structure of Disarmament, Demobilization, and Reintegration (DDR)
The relationship between ethnic diversity, ethnic voting, and public service delivery in contemporary Africa.
Power Sharing in Sub-Saharan Africa: How Succession Rules can Reduce Conflict Occurrence in Authoritarian Regimes
Mitigating negative consequences of massive refugee events
COVID-19 Containment, Coordinated Compliance, and Collective Cooperation
Pre-colonial centralization and political participation in Africa
How does decriminalization of illicit drugs impact the political attitudes towards illicit drugs?
Viktor Orbán's European Identity Frame
Women’s Movements between Islam and Secularism: the Role of the History of Contention in the Case of Iran and Tunisia
Horizontal Political Inequality and Advantaged Groups
Sa bir bi dafa rey - An analysis of joking relationships and make-believe families in the Senegalese diaspora
Cooperation, Rivalry, and Revenge – A Comparative Case Analysis of State and Militia Violence against Civilians in Burkina Faso and Niger
The impact of privatization of WASH services on post-disaster civil unrest: an assessment.
The Impact of Trade Openness: An Effective Pacifier in Agriculture-Based Social Unrest?
Environmental Implications for Democratic Institutions: The impact of Disasters on Kenya’s Electoral Violence.
The Role of Environmental Scarcity in Ethnic Conflicts
Is public opinion falling on deaf political ears? Public concern for climate change and domestic implementation of EU environmental policies
Gender Equality, Conflict, and the Environment: How the inclusion of female mediators in peace agreements impacts environmental related clauses
How does the presence of Foreign Direct Investments affect the likelihood of water-induced conflict?
Conflicting Territory Perceptions in the Unresolved Western Sahara Conflict
