Leiden University Student Repository

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(1 - 24 of 102)


The relation between EEG Theta/Beta ratio and resilience to the effects of stress
Cognitive reactivity and remission from depression: LEIDS-R scores of currently depressed individuals and the odds of remission from depression
A randomized controlled trial to compare the effectiveness of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy to treatment-as-usual in treatment-resistant anxiety disorder patients
Folate levels and depressive symptoms in patients with celiac disease on a gluten free diet
Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for heterogeneous treatment-resistant anxiety disorders: A randomized controlled trial
Possible predictors of responsiveness to negative mood induction
Parental attachment as a mediator in the relationship between age and the underlying attitudes of risk-behaviour: Is ambiguity-attitude more sensitive to developmental differences than risk-attitude?
The validity of the LEIDS-RR in measuring cognitive reactivity: a comparison with the Dysfunctional Attitude Scale (DAS) change score
The relationship between perceived stress and depressive symptoms among Dutch university students: Moderated by personality traits?
Associations between childhood maltreatment and aggression and the rol of empathy in this association
De invloed van persoonlijkheid op de stigmatiserende houding tegenover psychische stoornissen
The moderating role of extraversion in effects of stress on persistence
The avoidant personality severity index (AVPDSI)
Perceived stress and symptoms of depression in Dutch university students: The moderating role of coping styles
HIV and depression: The mediating effect of online CBT on HIV biomarkers and motivation as a moderator for treatment outcome
Aantrekkelijkheid en stigma van mentale stoornissen
Het effect van leeftijd op prosociaal gedrag naar slachtoffers in een Empathy Dictator Game
Het effect van geslacht op het stigma van personen met een psychische stoornis
The influence of second and fourth generation oral contraceptives on facial emotion recognition in young healthy women
Invloed van bekendheid op stigmatisering bij het aangaan van een sociale relatie bij verslaving
De relatie tussen leeftijd en kijkduur naar gezichten en lichamen van slachtoffers in complexe sociale situaties bij kinderen en adolescenten
Anorexia nervosa: The influence of stigma on the relation between perceived burden and the willingness to pay for treatment
The moderating role of cognitive reactivity on the effect between stress and persistence
Stigmatisering van antisociale persoonlijkheidsstoornis: Een blik op het sociale leven
