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(1 - 24 of 85)
- Effectiveness and Legitimacy of International Organisations: the case of the United Nations Security Council and International Court of Justice in addressing the crisis in Gaza
- Norm Localization: How do developing nations localize international norms promoted by international organizations and why? The Case of Localization of Anti- Corruption Norms in Kenya
- The Paradox of Proportionality in International Law: The Neglected Necessity of Proportionality in the realm of Self-Defence
- Assessing the Impact of the International Criminal Court on National Judicial Systems: Operationalising the Responsibility to Protect
- An Emerging Human Rights Regime: the Optional Protocol to the United Nations Convention against Torture and Torture Prevention in Southeast Asia
- The Effectiveness of the UN Robust Peacekeeping Operations: A Comparative Case Study of the DRC and Liberia
- Friend or Foe: A Discourse Analysis on Responses to Political Justifications for Violating Non-Combatant Immunity in Unites States Counterterrorism Operations from 2001-2018
- Explaining the Implications of Regulatory Gaps in Cyberwarfare: A Comparative Analysis of Russia and the United States
- From Silence to Jurisprudence: The Role of the ICC in Rendering Sexual Violence in War as a Crime Against Humanity