Search results
(1 - 24 of 107)
- The influence of behavioural noise on intentions and decision-making in a trust game: How noise can alter the decisions of both the trustor and trustee in an economical transaction
- What kind of salience do people use in tacit coordination? An eye-tracking study focusing on primary and Schelling salience
- Groepscommitment doet volunteren: De invloed van het gevoel van groepscommitment op de keuze in het Volunteer Dilemma
- The influence of annoying banner ads on attitude towards and memory of the brand: An eye-tracking study
- Volunteer's dilemma: De effecten van social value orientation en sociale afstand in het volunteer's dilemma
- Are annoying ads worth the costs? A research to test the effectiveness of perceived non-annoying advertisements
- Keep the anticommons dilemma from turning into a tragedy: The effect of profit uncertainty and externalities awareness on cooperation in an anticommons dilemma