Search results
(1 - 24 of 171)
- Investigating Self-Management and Disease Outcomes over time in Patients with Persistent Symptoms of Lyme Disease Syndrome
- The relationship between self-reported somatic symptoms and treatment outcomes in adolescent psychiatric patients
- Day-to-day Relationship Satisfaction, Sexual Satisfaction and Stress in Young Adult Couples: A Dyadic Pilot Study
- Het effect van voorgaande ziekenhuiservaringen en placebokennis op ouders’ attitudes jegens placebogebruik
- The association of self-efficacy and internet-based cognitive-behavioral treatment outcome in patients with end-stage kidney disease and the potential role of illness cognitions and the therapeutic relationship therein
- The Potential Role of Psychological Flexibility in the Association of Migrant Status and Religiosity with Quality of Life
- The potential role of generic and specific outcome expectations on areas of functioning in patients with Bechterew’s disease following a proof-of-concept training program based on the Wim Hof Method
- Offspring of parents with a mood disorder: The potential association between parental bonding and depressive symptoms moderated by perceived social support and active coping strategies
- Exploring the Dynamic Interconnectedness of Protective and Perpetuating Factors of Cancer-Related Fatigue
- Verschil in acceptabiliteit voor placebo-toepassingen binnen specialismen van zorgverleners in de medische pediatrie
- Verschil in acceptabiliteit voor placebo-toepassingen binnen specialismen van zorgverleners in de medische pediatrie
- The Role of Healthcare Provider Characteristics in their Opinions on Placebo Applications in Pediatric Healthcare
- The Effect of Verbal Suggestions Regarding Stress Responsivity on the Salivary Cortisol Response to Psychosocial Stress and its Relationship to the Perceived Acute Stress Response, Dispositional Optimism and Stress Mindset
- What to expect when you’re expecting: The influence of the expectations surrounding childbirth on the birth experience in women with and without psychiatric problems
- Personalized outcome measurement of a tailored eHealth intervention for patients with chronic kidney disease and the mediating role of self-efficacy
- Het verschil in acceptatie van behandelversterkende en behandel-vervangende placebotoepassingen bij acute en chronische aandoeningen in de pediatrische zorg
- Placebo knowledge and expected effectivity in symptom reduction of placebo applications in pediatric health care and their association in pediatric health care professionals and parents
- Do Patients with Psoriasis Have an Attentional Bias Towards Itch Stimuli And the Role of Clinical Itch and Disease Severity