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- Self-Esteem Characteristics and EEG Theta and Delta Power After Feedback From Adolescence to Young Adulthood
- Reacting to and Learning from Social-Evaluative Feedback in Adolescence: EEG Theta Response to Unexpected Peer Rejection
- Examining levels of household chaos that account for age-related and/or individual differences in learning whom to trust in adolescence
- What if they don’t like me? How Rejection Sensitivity affects Frontal Midline-Theta power levels during unexpected rejection in socially anxious individuals.
- Midfrontal theta power as response to social-evaluative feedback from predominantly positive or negative peers in individuals with fear of negative evaluation.
- How Unexpected Social Evaluative Feedback In A Social Evaluative Context Influences Probabilistic Learning And Reaction Time Along The Social Anxiety Spectrum (SELF-Profile)
- Positive peer feedback: Cognitive bias modification and electrophysiological markers in women with high social anxiety
- The neural basis of shame, guilt and peer rejection in depressed youths, using a novel moral dilemma paradigm
- The influence of positive peer feedback on anticipatory anxiety, performance expectations, and heart rate variability in high socially anxious individuals
- Does peer observation matter? Does peer observation influence HRV and how might self-asteem be linked with HRV?
- HiLo Card Guessing Game: EEG study on the p300 response after performance feedback in high and low socially anxious individuals
- Follow your heart? Examining heart rate variability as a predictor of neural reactivity to social rejection - A network approach to individual differences in social threat sensitivity