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(1 - 24 of 216)


The Dynamics of Group Negotiation: Exploring the Impact of Social Motives and Communication Structure in Negotiations
Looking in the same direction: the influence of timing optional issues and time in negotiation.
The Influence of Asking Questions on a Negotiated Outcome
Negotiating Through Screens? The Role of Communication Channels in Group Negotiations
Cocktail Party or Power Play? How Social Motives and Speaking Structure Influence Group Negotiations
Looking in the same direction: the influence of timing optional issues and time in negotiation.
Shht, Wait for Your Turn! Does Turn-Taking Amplify Negotiators' Motivational Orientation on Group Negotiation outcomes? An Explorative Research.
Can we both win in a negotiation? The introduction of additional issues during a negotiation and the role of emotions and personality characteristics
The Gender Gap in Negotiation
When should one expand the pie by adding new issues to the negotiation: at the beginning, middle, or at the end?
Beyond the Screen: Understanding the Role of Trust and Social Motive in Online and Offline Negotiation Dynamics
Click or Handshake? The Impact of Communication Channels on Group Negotiations With a Strong Leader
The effect of asking questions in negotiations: open versus closed questions
The Effects of Power and Motives
The Effect of Experimenter Gender on Female Negotiators’ First Offer and Concession Size in a Three-Person Online Negotiation.
Whose Big Brother is watching?
Het Effect van Sociale Motieven en Communicatiemedia op de Uitkomsten van Groepsonderhandelingen
Unequal power negotiations: Who will initiate optional topics to expand the pie?
Aloha Beachclub 2022 Onderhandelingen met leider, het effect van sociaal motief en genderverschillen
The Role of Stereotypes, Social Motive and Power Distribution Within Mixed-gender Group Negotiations
The Role of Stereotypes, Social Motive and Power Distribution Within Mixed-gender Group Negotiations
Bazin boven baas?
The Role of Growth Intentions and Workaholism on the Work-Life Balance Crafting Intentions Among Entrepreneurs
Expanding the Pie: The Effect of Social Motives and Power Asymmetry on Value Creation in Negotiations
