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(1 - 24 of 216)
- The Dynamics of Group Negotiation: Exploring the Impact of Social Motives and Communication Structure in Negotiations
- Cocktail Party or Power Play? How Social Motives and Speaking Structure Influence Group Negotiations
- Shht, Wait for Your Turn! Does Turn-Taking Amplify Negotiators' Motivational Orientation on Group Negotiation outcomes? An Explorative Research.
- Can we both win in a negotiation? The introduction of additional issues during a negotiation and the role of emotions and personality characteristics
- When should one expand the pie by adding new issues to the negotiation: at the beginning, middle, or at the end?
- Beyond the Screen: Understanding the Role of Trust and Social Motive in Online and Offline Negotiation Dynamics
- The Effect of Experimenter Gender on Female Negotiators’ First Offer and Concession Size in a Three-Person Online Negotiation.
- Aloha Beachclub 2022 Onderhandelingen met leider, het effect van sociaal motief en genderverschillen
- The Role of Stereotypes, Social Motive and Power Distribution Within Mixed-gender Group Negotiations
- The Role of Stereotypes, Social Motive and Power Distribution Within Mixed-gender Group Negotiations