Leiden University Student Repository

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(1 - 24 of 128)


Fathers and Mothers of Adolescents: the effect of conflict on negative emotions
The Impact of Peer Victimization: Elevated Epigenetic Age and Increased Inflammation?
De Relatie Tussen Kindermishandeling en Ouderlijke Empathie
De rol van kindermishandeling in empathie van ouders
De Invloed van Opvoedbelasting op de Ouder-Kind Relatie: Een Focus op Warmte en Controle
(Over)beschermende opvoedstijl hangt samen met angstklachten adolescent. Speelt cognitieve empathie een rol?
Investigating the relationship between Major Depressive Disorder, aggression and inflammation in adolescents: a cross-sectional study
Examining the Impact of Peer-Support Group Sessions for Women who Have Experienced Domestic Violence and/or Childhood Abuse
A Study on the Relationship Between Childhood Maltreatment and Inflammation: The Moderating Role of Sex
To evolve from victim into survivor
The Potential Role of Attachment and Cortisol Reactivity in the Development of Internalizing Problems in Childhoo
To Avoid or Not to Avoid?
The impact of childhood maltreatment on adult inflammation and the role of social support and loneliness as moderators in this relationship
The association between neighborhood characteristics and adolescent psychotic experiences
Childhood maltreatment is associated with internalizing psychopathology in adulthood, but the relationship is not mediated by inflammation: a cross-sectional study
A Study Addressing the Effects of Personality as Moderator of the Relation Between Childhood Maltreatment and Low-Grade Inflammation
Factors associated with the quality of life of people with dementia in living facilities
Maternal Prenatal Stress and its Sex-Specific Outcomes on Child’s Behavior and Memory
The Impact of Child Maltreatment on Empathy in Later Life
Effect of Maternal Prenatal Cortisol on Maternal Prenatal Anxiety and Infant Temperament
Schoonheidsslaapje: feit of fabel? Een onderzoek naar de relatie tussen slaapkwaliteit, stress en fysieke veroudering
Een onderzoek naar het verband verband tussen eenzaamheid, stress en tussen eenzaamheid, stress en versnelde fysieke veroudering versnelde fysieke veroudering onder studenten onder studenten
Een cross-sectioneel onderzoek naar de relatie tussen genderverschillen in waargenomen stress en versnelde fysieke veroudering, onder studenten
