Leiden University Student Repository

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(1 - 24 of 34)


Associations Between COVID-19 Mitigating Practices and Anxiety: A Cross-Sectional Survey
Alcohol consumption and frailty in older psychiatric patients
Effect of Frailty on Quality of Life in Elderly Psychiatric Patients: A Longitudinal Study
Frailty in Elderly Psychiatric Patients
Is an Intensive Residential Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Treatment Programme Effective for Patients with a History of Childhood Sexual Abuse?
Sleep Quality And Depressive Symptoms in Students
The relationships between chronotype, alcohol consumption and gender in a student population
De relaties tussen chronotype, slaapkwaliteit en geslacht in een studentpopulatie
Chronotype en cannabisgebruik: Onderzoek naar de relatie tussen chronotype en cannabisgebruik bij studenten en of deze relatie wordt gemodereerd door geslacht
The relationships between chronotype, perceived academic stress and sleep quality in a student population
The association between academic stress and sleep quality among students
Het verband tussen chronotype, slaapproblemen en depressieve klachten onder studenten
Criteria not categories: Investigating the role of individual Borderline Personality Disorder criteria and their association with well-being, past suicide attempts, and comorbidities
He who laughs, lasts? Examining the moderating effect of coping with humour on the relationship between negative life events and anxiety in older adults
The role of personality in the onset of borderline personality traits among adult survivors of childhood trauma
Heart rate variability and neural correlates of rumination and working memory in ruminative females
Physical and emotional neglect: Associations with insecure adult attachment and the mediating role of depressive symptoms
The effect of hyperactivity on reactive aggression among adolescents
The relationship between sexual abuse and daily mood: Does attachment mediate this effect?
De relatie tussen slechte slaapkwaliteit en depressieve klachten onder studenten
Does gender moderate the relationship between chronotype and substance use in students
De mediërende rol van slaapkwaliteit op de relatie tussen chronotype en depressieve klachten bij studenten
Het voorspellen van behandeluitkomsten in de GGZ-subgroep kinderen en jeugd: het vergelijken van een complex versus een versimpeld predictormodel
Measuring stigma of mental illness by thin slicing and self-report
