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Vasilij Vereščagin en de oriëntaalse “Ander”: Hoe een negentiende-eeuws Russisch kunstenaar de Oriënt beschrijft in woord en beeld
Imagining Mnogonatsional'nost': The Representation of a Multiethnic Nation in Contemporary Kazahkstani Film
Chernukha in recent Russian cinema: an analysis of The Major (2013), The Fool (2014), Leviathan (2014), and Loveless (2017)
Representations of Femininity and Women in the Military in Russian and Soviet Cinema
Rose Revolution: Mass Mobilization for Political Change Consensus and Action Mobilization through Framing Strategies
Becoming Relevant After Communism: Andrei Kurkov as Postcolonial Writer
Naughty Boys and Madly Screaming Crowds: The Legacy of August 1991 in Russian Print Media
An Angel Sent By God, Or A Servant Of The Devil- An Analysis Of Russian Cinematic Portrayals Of Grigory Rasputin
Single Mothers in Moscow
De Russische Ziel… en of deze beviel: Hoe de Russische landschapsschilderkunst in de tentoonstelling Het Russische Landschap in Nederland en Engeland werd ontvangen
Going Once... Going Twice... Sold! Revisiting the 1988 Sotheby's Auction in Soviet Moscow
The American national stereotype
(Marked) Women in Transition – Female Identity in Russian Cinema 1989-2006
In the footsteps of the past. Contemporary Russian prison camp memoirs in the context of the tradition of Gulag memoir writing
The Post-Soviet Man in Crisis - Conflicting Realities between norms and reality
Slavofilisme of populisme? De ideologische invloeden van Alexander Tsjajanovs De reis van mijn broer Aleksej naar het land van de boerenutopie (1920)
Between Master and Muse: Analysing Gender in N.I. Petrovskaia’s Sanctus Amor
Een Tolstojaans dieet. Vegetarisme op Monte Veritá: de idealen van Tolstoj als nieuwe levenswijze?
Spirituele of immorele terrorist? - Uiteenlopende weergaven van Boris Savinkovs alter ego uit ‘Het Vale Paard’ in twee verfilmingen
The Myth of the Motherland in Russia - Analyzing Cultural Memory Construction
De kunstopvatting van Mir Iskoesstva
Soviet Past in the Russian Present. Gay men under Stalin and LGBT members in Putin's era
Posthumanism in late Soviet science fiction
Soviet Past in the Russian Present. Gay men under Stalin and LGBT members in Putin’s era but what the future holds
