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(1 - 24 of 33)


The Changing Policy Image of Medical Cannabis in German Legislative Debates from 2008 to 2016
The power of the past
Political Executive' or 'Institutionalised Summitry'? Analysing the European Council's Agenda Setting Capacity
The EU as a diplomatic actor in the global political order
Assessing the State of Democratic Institution Building in Afghanistan by the United States and its allies
Keys to the Game
Determinants Leading to Success
EU General Data Protection Regulation – Blessing or Curse? A difference-in-difference study on Higher Education Institutes in Europe
Policy Convergence in the European Union
Fostering Compliance with European Environmental Directives in European Member-States
Brokerage burden or EU-nique opportunity? Ex-post performance evaluation of EU Council presidencies
“Contagious Euroscepticism” revisited
Transparency of Artificial Intelligence
Stranded between a Yugoslav past and a European future
The European Commission's learning capabilities in relation to the financial crisis of 2008
Conflict Intensity And Humanitarian Aid
A neofunctionalist analysis of the European Neighborhood Policy in Northern Africa
The relationship between the agencification of EACEA and name changes in the organisational chart of the DG EAC
The Panel VAR Approach to Policy Modelling
Immigration framing in France and in the United Kingdom
Turkish Policy on Kurds and Europeanization. Effect of Europeanization on Changing Minority Policy toward the Kurds
Policy Change and Organisational Structures: The case of the Directorate General Regional Development of the European Union between 1973 and 1987
The Fundamental Determinants of Economic Performance
Montenegro, Macedonia and Serbia: convergent or divergent macroeconomic paths towards European Union accession
