Leiden University Student Repository

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  • (-) = Doef, Margot van der

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(1 - 24 of 30)


The impact of chronic pain on the daily lives of children with Juvenile Idiopathic Arthirits
Predictors of absence of benefit and adverse effects in mindfulness based cognitive therapy in cancer patients
Exhaustion and work engagement of nurses: Effects on organisational outcomes in emergency departments
Running head: RECOVERY EXPERIENCES OF EMERGENCY PHYSICIANS A remedy for occupational stressors experienced bij emergency physicians
Work-home interference: An examination of its mediating role between various individual characteristics with organizational commitment and turnover intention
Work functioning of health impaired employees: The influence of constructive versus destructive leadership of supervisors through distress and occupational self-efficacy
Work functioning of health-impaired employees: The role of constructive versus destructive leadership, distress, and occupational self-efficacy
Back to work: Can the leadership style of the employer be the key to the reintegration of the unemployed?
The relationship between social support, adherence and blood pressure control in patients with hypertension
Capacity to self-care and its relationship with use of care in multiproblem families
Meta-analysis: Effectiveness of parenting training programma
Perceived supervisory support among police officers: Determinants in the support provider and support receiver
The relationship between goal facilitation, goal content and life satisfaction, and the role of domain centrality therein
The relationship between goal facilitation and physical and mental health: Does the focus of an employee on intrinsic or extrinsic goals have a moderating effect?
Transformationeel leiderschap en arbeidssatisfactie: De modererende rol van doeloriëntatie
Is the influence of workload on burnout moderated by goal orientation?
Goal orientation: An explanatory factor for burnout in teachers and non-teachers?
Is er een verband tussen het JDCS-model en leefgewoonten? Een onderzoek naar het modererend effect van de persoonlijke waarde van taakeisen, controle en steun
Ziektepercepties en de samenhang tussen zelfmanagement bij Nederlandse werknemers met diabetes
"Op mijn werk ben ik niet ziek": Het effect van disclosure van chronische ziekte op therapietrouw op het werk
The relation between perfectionism and work-family conflict, and the mediating/moderating role of self-esteem
Chronische ziekte en werk
Acceptatie en work ability: Werken met een chronische ziekte
Chronische ziekte en werk: De invloed van de persoonlijke houding en de sociale norm ten opzichte van arbeidsverzuim op de mate van presenteeisme bij chronisch zieke werknemers
