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(1 - 23 of 23)
Environmental discrimination? The case of the UK’s fluctuating commitment to environmental agreements.
Climate change in Europe
Playing the blame game: Accountability, blame management, and human rights in Frontex
The Russian Federation, traditional values within the United Nations and the ‘worth’ of LGBTQI+ rights through the Multiple Streams Framework
The United Nations Human Rights Council Universal Periodic Review's Ability in Improving Japan's Compliance with Gender Equality from 2012 to 2017
Securitising Climate Change: Framing and Implementation in the post-Paris Agreement European Union
For Women’s rights, Against Women’s Will
The green growth paradigm and EU climate policy: economic gain as priority
The Legitimization of NATO-led Military Operations: An Analysis of the Secretary General’s Discourse
Neoliberal Influence on the Trajectory of Resource-Abundant Countries
Global Climate Governance
Interference in vain on the road to durable peace
The International Finance Corporation: Accountability or Immunity
The Happiest Children in the World: The Influence of the Committee on the Rights of the Child on Compliance in Member States. A Case Study of Denmark.
How the EU aggregates foreign policy
Beyond Borders: Towards a Security Community between North Atlantic Treaty Organization and Asia Pacific Countries under the Rise of China.- A case study of the Republic of Korea and New Zealand.
Gender Equality and Political Rights for Women: A Case Study in Afghanistan
European Institutions migration policy impacted by the Arab Spring
European Commission migration policy impacted by the Arab Spring
Russia at the Border: The European Union and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization in the Donbass Conflict
France in NATO
How can the difference in effectiveness of IGOs and NGOs in the realm of human rights be explained? A comparative study between the United Nations and Amnesty International on the monitoring of violence against women in Afghanistan?
The effect of regional human rights declarations on compliance with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in the case of Syria