Leiden University Student Repository

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  • (-) = Kleijn, R.E. de

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(1 - 24 of 48)


Human recognition of deepfake videos
Ordering the action syntax: Inhibitory discrepancy drives the temporal order of action sequences
Mechanisms and effects of human-robot cooperation: The development of self-robot overlap, trust, likeability, and anthropomophization
Extra-role behavior in a high-risk work environment: Some antecedents and the effect on team performance in a military setting
Decision-making during police-citizen encounters: A research on the kinematic differences between shooting and pointing
A Safety-II approach in the operating room: Investigating relationships between staff involvement, individual perceptions, knowledge, motivation and door opening related safety behaviors
Teamwork in high reliability organizations. The relationship between team diversity and team performance: Moderation effects of trust and psychological safety
Enhancing operator situational awareness through enhanced design of Shore Control Centre interface
Working memory and IQ predict plan-based control: Evidence from novel serial reaction time and reinforcement learning paradigms
Type of surgery influencing the frequency of door openings in surgical operations
Jumping to conclusions: How locus of control differences between management levels affect blame culture
The role of guidance in air traffic management system automation
How verbal suggestions affect loudness judgments: Roles of expectations and demand characteristics
Exploitation and exploration in search: Priming search in different cognitive domains and the role of striatal dopamine
The effect of human-robot synchronization on the tendency to anthropomorphize
Het effect van actie videogames op motor-sensorische kalibratie en agency
Learning without instruction: The effect of repitition distance on sequence learning
Effecten van intelligentie op spelgenres en illusory reversal: Hangt intelligentie samen met spelgenres en/of illusory reversal?
Het effect of schizotypische kenmerken op de sense of agency
Motor-sensorische herkalibratie; een subjectieve reis in de tijd; Een onderzoek naar de factoren die van invloed zijn op de point of subjective simultaneity
Masters of authentication: Can we distinguish a master painter's work from other without being experts? Artistic style recognition & implicit recognition
Was de flits eerder of later dan de druk op de knop? Geen verband tussen aantal uren gamen en illusory reversals
Congruentie tussen schizoïde spectrum-stoornissen en illusory reversals; Veroorzaakt door een verminderde sense of agency
The effect of using context-dependent information and complex grammatical constructions on perceived humanness in the Turing Test
