Leiden University Student Repository

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Social Anxiety and its Relation to Emotion Recognition and Mimicry: A Cross-Sectional Study
Hugging and Hitting - Attention Towards Initiators and Recipients in Observed Interactions Involving Grooming or Aggression
Judging the Trustworthiness of Others
Is Mimicry impaired in Socially Anxious Individuals?
To what extent is pupil mimicry an indicator of trust?
It Was a Pleasure Mimicking You: The Effects of Unconscious Mimicry on the Desire to Interact in the Future
Behavioral mimicry and attraction: A speed-dating study.
Does Metacontrol State Influence Self-Other Integration?
Does metacontrol influence the self-other integration?
Does Mimicry Denote Greater Liking and Trust?
Influences on Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy for Social and Public speaking anxiety: A Literature review
Evaluation Through a Cultural Lens: A Cross-Cultural Investigation of Implicit and Explicit Attitudes Towards Robots
Blush Mimicry and its Effect on Trust
Pupil Mimicry and Trust
How Social Anxiety Relates to Motor Behavior Mimicry
Eyes don’t lie – Does social anxiety influence pupil dilation mimicry?
Pupil Mimicry of Humans, Dogs, and Bonobos
Physiological arousal as a possible mediator of a negative relationship between social anxiety and pupil mimicry
Invloed van lichaamstaal, prosodie en depressie op emotieherkenning van boze en blije emoties
An investigation into gender equality amongst student grant applicants
Face to face: Investigating attentional bias towards emotional stimuli in relation to social anxiety levels
An analyss of unconstrained social and non-social behaviour on the smartphone
The link between smartphone behavior and physical activity: A data-driven approach
Quantifying the link between news and sleep
