Leiden University Student Repository

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The Follower Becoming a Pioneer: How Rwanda Became First in Women’s Representation
Examining how Dam Dnduced Displacement from the Merowe Dam affects the likelihood of Social Unrest in Neighbouring States
Cultural Relativism and the Climate Change – Conflict – Nexus:
The Variation in Presence of Offshore Financial Centres in Non-Sovereign Territories
The Effect of Organic Agriculture on Rebel Violence against Civilians: Successful Climate Change Adaptation or a Driver for Greed-Based Violence?
An Individual’s Income Stability and Voter Turnout
Vulnerability or resilience? Small states dealing with COVID-19
Alliance Shelter Strategy in Small Authoritarian States,
The Inclusion of Environmental Factors in Peace Agreements:
The relationship between Chinese development projects and human rights in Sub-Saharan Africa
Linking water insecurity and social unrest: Investigating the role of perception with survey data in Sub-Saharan Africa
Climate change-induced displacement of indigenous communities and conflict: an analysis of indigenous rights in Brazil and Indonesia
Government Spending in Tax-Havens
Small States’ Political Regime and their Membership in International Organizations
The impact of population size on international intelligence cooperation: a comparative analysis of the United States, the Netherlands and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
Female Leadership in Small States: A study of the relationship between size and women in politics
Social media use and political participation in small states: A case study of Estonia
Small state economies in a digital world A nested research analysis of the relationship between ICT and small state economies
What explains the difference in migratory responses in wake of rising sea-levels? Insights from Kiribati
Partisan Influence on Immigration Policy: Myth or Reality?
Multi-dimensional mobility: comparing the framing of internal and international migration drivers in Peru
Forced or voluntary migrant? A dichotomy with major consequences.
Spanish Migration Corridors: Post-Crisis Differences Explained
