Leiden University Student Repository

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The African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) and its Implications on Member States' Compliance to US Policy Goals
Factors determining the support of OECD countries on the OECD/G20 Inclusive Framework on BEPS
Co-living in a Shared Neighbourhood: How the Eastern Partnership Impacted the Economic Dependence of the non-EU Partners
The Golden Pathway?
The "Failing Forward" Theory and the European Neighbourhood Policy: A Synergy of European Integration Theories and EU Foreign Policy Studies
Rule Britannia at any Cost
Frozen Cooperation
Africa's White Gold: A Comparative Analysis of Anti-Poaching Strategies
Probing the Impact of Social and Cultural Rights on the Economic Development Through a Quantitative Approach
A comparative historical analysis of the Bretton Woods gold-exchange standard (1944-1971) and the fiat currency standard (1971-present)
Global Economic Players in Civil War Negotiations
Bitcoin: explaining variations in regulatory approaches
The PRC for the reduction of CO2: The diffusion of norms and interests
What do they threaten? Towards an explanation of the selection of different referent objects during securitization
Power for sale: Power asymmetries and informal influence in Mercosur
The Asian financial crisis and the Washington consensus
Regional integration theories and the case of the ASEAN integration process: Explaining the slow progress
Global economic governance and the global financial grisis of 2007-08
What lessons have been learned from Basel-II: The ECB’s implementation of Basel-III in the Euro-area
The intrusion of politics in the affairs of the african development bank: An opportunity for autonomous action