Leiden University Student Repository

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(1 - 24 of 36)


Predictors of effectiveness in modular CBT for youth anxiety disorders
Recognition of depression and ADHD by general practitioners in children and adolescents
Predicting psychological disorders in children and adolescents using multiple informant scales of the Development and Well-Being Assessment (DAWBA)
The examination of differential reciprocal links between depression, social anxiety, and responses to stress in adolescence
Does heart rate mediate the relationship between social anxiety and post-event rumination in children and adolescents
Differences in autonomous motivation for core subjects English, Dutch and mathematics between GUTS students and non-GUTS students
Self-efficacy and performance in favored and disfavored subjects
Autonomous motivation development for favored courses among GUTS and non-GUTS lower secondary students
Stability of subject preference and associated domain-specific autonomous motivation in early adolescence
Motivation and performance of the senior general secondary (HAVO) and the pre-university (VWO) students in GUTS
Could it be that we are not so different after all? The role of gender on the relationship between negative social cognitions and social anxiety during adolescence
Affect heeft een mediërende rol tussen sociale angst en depressieve symptomen: Een cross-sectioneel onderzoek naar de mediërende rol van affect
Het kiezen van een partner: Is er sprake van assortative mating met betrekking tot sociale angst stoornis en symptomen van andere psychiatrische stoornissen
Self-referential processing in socially anxious families: Indication for an endophenotype of social anxiety disorder?: A family study on the feelings of embarrassment and inappropriateneess after social norm transgressions
The role of gender in subject preference in early adolescence
The mediating role of negative social cognitions in the link between speech anxiety and later social anxiety in youth
Self-efficacy en Mastery goals: een onderzoek naar de samenhang tussen academisch zelfbeeld en leergierigheid op school in leuke en niet leuke vakken
De invloed van ouder(s) met een (subklinische) sociale angststoornis op de sociale angst van hun kinderen
How do motivation and performance of secondary school students participating in GUTS develop?
Fear of negative evaluation is een partiële mediator in de relatie tussen behavioural inhibition en sociale angst
Het effect van gedragsinhibitie als mediator op de relatie tussen (subklinische) sociale angst en de mate van schaamte in de sociale norm taak
Is a personal drives based intervention effective?
Parental psychopathology and family functioning: Relationships with the severity and treatment of school refusal
Examining reasons for learning and perceived autonomy: A qualitative approach
