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(1 - 24 of 115)


Conversational Self-Portraits in Motion: Perceptions of Identity amongst Lamu Islanders
The Changing Political Landscape of the 2024 Senegalese Presidential Election, and the Pivotal Role of the Casamance
Xenophobia and the perspective of African migrants living in Cape Town, South Africa
Low-Intensity Conflict and Third-Party Mediation in Africa
Examining what impact the lived experiences of the Chuth Ber community have on the re-contamination of healthy drinking water in the home
From Farmer to Dalali: Rethinking Structural Transformation Pathway in Tanzania
Power Together?
Silence, Shame, Stigma: The Perspectives of University Students in Nairobi and their Grandmothers about the Shape and Implications of Menstrual Stigma in Kenyan Families
The Role of Hip Hop Music in Breaking Political Taboos in Mauritania
More Than Marginalised
The Guides: Examining the Curent Views on the Images of Marabouts in Senegal
Challenges to community land registration A case study of the minority Turkana community in Isiolo, Kenya
Contributing to the Economy but Unacknowledged: A Study of Zimbabwean Immigrants in Botswana
Continuously On The Move
Even machines need servicing: Strained and silenced voices in institutional structures and nurses agency in Kenya
“I Am a Kenyan Citizen, but my Identity is also Somali": The Kenyan-Somali Feelings of Citizenship and Belonging in Nairobi.
To be or not to be engaged?
Political Islam, Inclusive Governance and Fragile Settings: A Case Study of Burkina Faso
Exploring the implementation of eHealth Innovations in East Africa: Through the Lens of Anchoring and the Digital Divide
“Money is Everything”
M-Agri Services amongst Dairy Farmers in Western Nigeria: Is the Time Ripe?
New Needs, New Methods
The Politics of the Uganda-DR Congo Road Project
A Friendship Higher Than Mountains
