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  • (-) = Asian Studies (60 EC) (MA
  • (-) ≠ Doreen Müller
  • (-) ≠ Angelika Koch-Low

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(73 - 96 of 706)


Making waves: Matsui Fuyuko in the world of contemporary nihonga painting
The depiction of women in contemporary J-horror cinema
Decriminalizing abortion in South Korea: the role of the Constitutional Court and the National Assembly
The Changing Perception and Presentation of China
‘Botanic Cosmopolitanism’: Singapore’s Gardens and their Underlying Political Ideologies
Japanese Video Games, From Odorless to Fragrant
Combining Discourse and Policy Analysis on the Topic of Food Safety in China
Beyond the Sacred Boundaries: A Study on Female Exclusion at Mt. Ōmine
In search of Bhīmādevī
Keeping the classics alive: how karuta contributed to the contemporary popularity of the Hyakunin Isshu
Portrayal of the Heroine in Shōjo
Labeled Language
Migrant Worker Literature and Censorship in China: The Case of Picun Literature Group
A Tale of Two Regions: A Comparative Analysis of Local Social Credit systems in Xinjiang and Shanghai
Pushing boundaries: a visual analysis of homoromanticism in popular Chinese web series
Ready-made Meals and Housewifery
Public opinions on the Chinese entertainment industry: a case study on Zhihu users’ views on ‘unhealthy’ fandom and celebrity culture
(Re-)defining Boundaries
Queer Asia and the Dynamics of Film Festivals
Has 'Made in China' become the new 'Made in Italy'?
Unraveling China's Investment in Europe
To Make a Sacred Mountain or To Make a Mountain Sacred
An Unfair Stereotype: Chinese students' views on the 'All Chinese people eat dog meat'-stereotype
Damming Development Logic
