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  • (-) = Asian Studies (60 EC) (MA
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  • (-) = Asian Studies (60 EC) (MA

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(1 - 24 of 660)


‘Too subordinate to be hegemonic, too misogynistic to be subordinate’: Exploring Nice Guy masculinity and the male gaze in Taiwanese cinema
What's So Special About Anime?
Why Representation Matters: Chinese Dutch people’s perceptions on East Asian Representation in the Dutch film and television industry
Recolonising Identity Narratives in Hong Kong
The double gaze in ethnographic museum exhibitions reflected through the Siebold collection
Reforms in Times of Turmoil
Regulatory Dynamics and Innovation in China's Fintech Landscape
MA-thesis Globalization of Korean consumer goods after exposure to the Korean Wave
Bollywood Diplomacy: Unravelling Narendra Modi's Strategic Deployment of Hindi cinema
Othering Asian
Alone but together: Combatting loneliness by watching livestreams
The Promotion of Japanese Art in Italian Museums:
Smaller State, Larger Ambitions
Cultural Heritage is a Tool: The Case of Japanese Imperialism
Raising Collective Self-esteem
Threads of Transformation
Never Goodbye, Shelter Shanghai
Disease-Causing Spirits, Drib, and Ritual: A Visual Analysis of non-Buddhist Traditions in the Tibetan Blue Beryl Medical Paintings
Swallowed by the Earth
Protection for the Forest and Farm: A Comparative Study of Buddhist Environmentalism for Sustainable Development in Thailand
Analysing the Effectiveness of the European Union's Strategic Narrative on China: A Media and Public Opinion Perspective
Hinduism as a source of empowerment for Surinamese Hindu women in The Netherlands
The Daxi Wood Art Ecomuseum, Taiwan. Enhancing Cultural Heritage Preservation and Sustainable Development through Community Participation
