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(1 - 24 of 24)
Sports mega-events in South Africa
Understanding the causes of the underdevelopment in the Nigerian part of the Lake Chad Basin
Exploring Asymmetric Power Relations in a Transboundary River Basin - An Application of the Hydro-Hegemony Framework to the Congo River Basin
Banning the Bag: The Effectiveness of the Plastic Bag Ban in Kenya
Gender Quotas and Female Empowerment in African States
The Common Agricultural Policy of the European Union and Economic Development in West Africa in the light of Coxian Critical Theory
Mozambican Agency vis-à-vis China in the Mining Sector
Unconventional Tactics: Rwanda's strategic use of a victim discourse for generating development aid
Hydro-Hegemony In The Nile Basin: Egypt's Strategies To (Re-)Assert Its Position
Popular Culture, Popular Music, and an Un-Popular War
Power Politics in the Malian Conflict: Considering the roles of ECOWAS, the UN, and France
East African Celebrity Politics, an exploration
The Praised Dictator
South Africa's Land Reform: Another Zimbabwe?
Status in Moroccan Foreign Policy
Addressing Corruption in the Egyptian Land Registry:
 A Blockchain-Driven Approach
Fractured States and Foreign Policy: A Neoclassical Realist Assessment of Ethiopia
Footprints of Amnesty: The Amnesty Act in Uganda
Reconciliation by Shifting the Violence: the Effect of Rwanda's Reconciliation Policies on the Conflict in Eastern Congo
Diaspora through a Political Lens: The Influence of the Rwandan Diaspora on Foreign Policy Formulation in the Netherlands
Rising Africa: Agency in the face of aid dependency
Nigeria: West Africa's Powerhouse? Conceptualizing Nigeria's power and influence in West Africa
A critical analysis of the 'Big Men' phenomenon in the 'good governance' debate in contemporary Africa: the case of Kagame.
The Influence of the African Union Vis-à-Vis the United Nations in Addressing Security Threats on the African Continent