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(1 - 24 of 36)


The Annexation of Crimea: A Change in Russian Foreign Policy
Ethos, Pathos and Putin: How Vladimir Putin weaves a narrative that justifies his foreign policy
Power Projection through Protection: Russia’s Middle East Policy as a Repetition of its Central Asian Security Imperialism
Continuity or Change: An Analysis of the Kremlin's Counteractive Strategy toward Anti-regime Revolutions
On Varying Success: A Postfunctional Analysis of Eurasian Integration Projects
The Lost and Rediscovered Continent: Russia’s reinvented foreign policy interest in Africa
New Regionalism: The Challenges of Integration in Central Asia
Russian and American Strategy: Two sides of the same COIN
The EU-Russian Gas Partnership: A Match Made in Heaven or an Unnatural Union? An Analysis of how the divergence between EU and Russian economic paradigms impacts EU-Russian gas relations
Sweet Smell of Succession:A Dictator’s Handbook to PresidentialPower Transfer and Authoritarian Continuity
2008 Russian military reforms: A social-cultural perspective
The “Anti-Gay Propaganda Law” of 2013 And Its Benefits for the Russian State
Tatars in World Affairs
The Everlasting Crossroad - New Russian Agenda in the Western Balkans
Nord Stream 2 in Perspective: German-Russian Energy Relations and Its Effects on the EU
The Reinvention of Reality: An Analysis of Russian Online Disinformation and the Democratic Potential of the Internet
Heating up the Arctic; Russia's intentions within the Arctic Circle
The Putin-Kadyrov Patronage: Russia's Efforts to Maintain the Chechen Republic as Part of the Federation
Poland and Romania’s Post-Communist Transition: A Case Study on Political and Socio-Economic Influences and Effects
Familiar Traits in a New Reality: The Central Bank of Russia's Response to Economic Sanctions
The Glocalization of Hip Hop in Russia: The Difference Between Mass Taste and Mass Culture
Identity Politics and Foreign Policy: The Case of the 2012 Russian Foreign Policy Shift
Negotiating Statehood in de facto states: peace processes, de facto statehood and strategic interests in the Transnistrian de facto state
Protection of Human Rights in Chechnya: an Assessment of the Effectiveness of the European Court of Human Rights
