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(241 - 264 of 311)


How Could the Popularity of Kurk Mantolu Madona in Turkey over the Last Decade be Explained?
Grammatical gender in Greek-Turkish CS: The case of Muslim minority in Western Thrace
Turkish military interventions in politics through the eyes of Dutch newspapers: An overview from 1960 until 1997
Intersecting Parallels: The Accommodation of European Merchant Communities in the Ottoman and the Mughal Empire (1600-1750)
From De-Ba'athification to Daesh: Analyzing the Consequences of U.S. Policy in Iraq
Who turns the tap? The impact of non-state actors on the hydro-hegemony of Turkey
The Moroccan State and Two Moroccan Dutch Mosques in the Netherlands: A Comparative Discourse Analysis
Does Money Matter in Islam Economics: Gold, Silver, Riba al-Fadl and Riba Nasi'ah
Syrian Refugees in Jordan
The gurbetci imams. An explorative research into the International Divinity Program of Diyanet within the context of diaspora relations between Turkey and the Netherlands.
The "ethnic-split" in contemporary Israeli Politics and the Israel-Palestinian Conflict
Alternative Institutions of Democratic Inclusion. Muslim Identities in the Field of Contemporary Dutch Art and Culture
The Syriac Orthodox Community of Istanbul: Keeping Old Ties Together
Caught in a Web - Mesopotamia in British Imperial Policy from 1914 Until 1921
Reviewers Sharp as a Knife: The Reception of La Sakakin fi Matabikh Hadhihi al-Madina by Khaled Khalifa
Kuwaiti Relations with Iraq in the post-Saddam Era: Strategic Hedging, Regional Effects & the Structural Power of Small States
What Role for Dialogue Among Allies? Public Discursive Threat Construction of a Nuclear Iran Among Netanyahu’s Israel and Obama’s U.S.
Sponsor van terrorisme: de rol van Iran in de relatie tussen Israël en Hezbollah
The Unlawful Israeli Annexation of the Occupied Syrian Golan: A Historical and Legal Analysis in the Context of the Ongoing Syrian Armed Conflict
The Iran-Russia Nexus (Development of Bilateral Relations 2012-2015)
Persian Diasporic Novels: An Analysis of Farnoosh Moshiri's "Against Gravity"
Economic development under occupation: A case study of the dairy sector in the Hebron gvoernorate
Gender Politics in Iran: The Centrality of Female Sexuality
Picturing "My" Iraq: Representation of Iraqi Identity in the Works of Sadik Kwaish Alfraji
