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  • (-) = Middle Eastern Studies (MA
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  • (-) ≠ Forough, Mohammadbagher

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(193 - 216 of 311)


The Post Syrian Civil War image of Hezbollah: The legitimization struggle after 2011
The 'immemorial ties': The emotive portrayal of the relationship between the Netherlands and Israel by Dutch scholarship
Nation, state and society in literature: Representation in contemporary Kuwaiti novels
Antakya in the AKP Era: a Tendency towards Sunnitization? A Study of Renovation Policies
From Tolerance to Emigration. The History of Turkey's Jewish Community
Grip op Salafisme
#Defenders_of_ISIS: An Analysis of Online Public Discourse on Iran's Involvement in the Syrian Conflict
WHO CARES FOR LIBYAN SOVEREIGNTY? International and Local Drivers of Post-2011 Reconstruction of Libyan Statehood
The United Nations Humanitarian Response in Syria
UNHCR and the Politics of Syrian Refugee Repatriation in Lebanon
Understand the Effects of the 2011 Uprising on Syrian Civil Society
Regulating Female Sexuality in Iran: A Critical Analysis of President Rafsanjani's Speech on Temporary Marriage
Debating Piety: Parvīn Iᶜtiṣāmī’s Innovation in the Genre of Munāẓara
Why did ISIS use sexual and gender based violence against Yezidi girls and women: Obligation, Patriarchy, or Just a Tool of War?
The Credibility of Transnational, English-Language News Media in the Middle East: from the Al Jazeera Effect, to the PressTV and the TRT World Effect?
Civil Documentation Strategies in Light of the Syrian Refugee Crisis: A Case Study of Jordan, Lebanon, and Turkey
Can the Syrian Refugees Deliver the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan a Much Needed Economic Boost?
Fundamentalism in the seventeenth century of the Ottoman Empire
Queer Islamic Masculinities: Social and Individual Identity in Queer Moroccan Muslim Men
Deconstructing Saudi Patriarchy: An Emancipatory Project
Economic Expansion and Democratic Retrogression
Politicians supporting the Syrian opposition or humanitarians helping Syrian refugees? Analyzing the efforts of the al-Jama'a al-Islamiyya to help Syrians in Lebanon
Parliaments and Participation in the Rentier State: the Case of Kuwait and Bahrain
