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  • (-) = Middle Eastern Studies (MA
  • (-) = Faculty of Humanities
  • (-) ≠ Forough, Mohammadbagher

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(217 - 240 of 311)


Salafisme in Nederland, Een analyse van de toepasbaarheid van de definities van de overheid in de Nederlandse context
The ‘Special Liaison’ between Italy and Iran: economic, cultural and political affinities
Egypt and its Priorities in Water Management
Jihadist Propaganda Patterns
Changing Power Dynamics; consequences of the Syrian refugee crisis for state and citizen relation
Unveiling the Secret of the Hurufi Face
Friendly Outsiders? Exploring the dynamics between Chinese entrepreneurs and Moroccans in Derb Omar, Casablanca
Tracing Colonialism along the Nile Valley: Egypt, Sudan and the Inundation of Racial Ideology
The presentation of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Iranian primary schoolbooks - an interplay of religion and nationalism
Nationality and Ethnicity in the Western Sahara: The Role of Morocco in Shaping Perceptions of Identity
Painting Walls and Sculpting Barbed Wire: Art in Palestinian Refugee Camps in Lebanon
In Our Minds A Special Land: British Labour Party Elite Discourse on Israel and Palestine in the Post-War Era
The Myth of Modernity: Nima Yushij's Afsaneh
From Safe Havens to Bloody Battlefields: A Case Study of the Backgrounds and Motivations of Nordic Foreign Fighters in Kurdish Factions in the Conflicts in Iraq and Syria
Loyal to Israel: Transnational solidarity with the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
Neoliberal Developments and Democracy: The Case of Tunisia
Can Kurmanjan Datka unite Kyrgyzstan a second time? The film Kurmanjan Datka and nation building in Kyrgyzstan
Deconstructing and Disrupting the Status Quo: Syrian Refugees in post-2011 Lebanon
Kurdish Identity Constructions In Iraq Since The First Gulf War (1991)
Secular Fundamentalism and Islamist Radicalisation in the West: An investigation into processes of homegrown Islamist radicalisation in France
Renewable Energy: the End of the Rentier State?
Educational Entrepreneurs: South Africa's Deobandis in the Global Religious Sphere
Finding Balance in an Imbalanced System: The Case of the Triangular Relation Between China, Saudi Arabia, and Iran
Immigration versus Nationalization in a Rentier State: A Case Study on the Relation between the Political Economy and the Labour Market Structure of Kuwait
