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Search results

(985 - 1,008 of 1,008)


The insecurity of the security dilemma
‘Het parlement van binnenuit onderuit halen’ Een onderzoek naar het gedrag van de Partij voor de Vrijheid in het Europees Parlement
A Rebel's Friend? A Case Study of Conflict Diamonds and Conflict Timber
Standing alone when it all comes down: the relationship between personalist regimes and negative post-tenure fates explored.
The Apple of Discord
The Good Liberal Citizen: Why Citizens can be both Free and Virtuous
The Ilusion of Power
Charges against self-ownership: why Nozick's self-ownership thesis is incoherent and immoral
Resistance is futile? The contribution of political knowledge, political beliefs and message intensity on changes in public opinion
Taming the Media Beast: The Effects of Media Commercialization in Personalist and Military Regimes
Europe "A La Carte": Conditionality in the relationship between Russia and the European Union
Hannah Arendt, Revolution & Democracy
Protest with Chinese Characteristics: The Market, the Media, and the Evolution of Social Movements in China
European Integration Theories and African Integration Realities
Lost in Translation? The importance of language for the Political Mobilisation of Ethnic Russian Minorities in Estonia and Latvia
The Ethiopian Quest for Democracy in a Dominant Party State: A Case Study on Democratization in Ethiopia Since the Implementation of Ethnic Federalism in 1995
Should we be worried? A Longitudinal Study on negative campaigning in the Netherlands
Dichtbij de burger is beter
Thai Democracy: not right now
Germany, the Use of Military Power and Unanimity Within a European Union Framework
Domestic Law and Regulation of the Private Military Industry
The Complex Relationship between Press Freedom and Corruption
Interorganizational Coordination in Peacebuilding: the Case of Bosnia and Herzegovina
The Great Lakes Region’s genocides: Rwanda and Burundi
