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  • (-) ≠ Blarel, N.R.J.B
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(289 - 312 of 333)


Who is the real politician? The influence of civil servants on the foreign policy of regional governments
The lord's resistance army and violence against civilians: How civilian victimization influences the insurgent-incumbent relationship
From Ethnic politics to National Politics: The limitations of the Kurdish Political Movement in Turkey’s Presidential Elections in 2014
Defending moral paternalism: Debate on enforcement of morality and value of personal autonomy
Descendants of the Gordel van Smaragd: Being Indisch in the Netherlands
Women’s empowerment in the Middle East. And the process of localization
A new model for foreign policy analysis
Deterring the odd: On the deterrence of De Facto States
Chaining the Russian bear: EU member states and their support for the 2014 economic sanctions against Russia
Soldiers or civilians? Who is a morally legitimate target?
Anomaly in the Orient. Critical discourse analysis of the Wall Street Journal’s reporting on the Iraqi Kurds
A study into the foreign policies of the ‘neutral’ EU member states with regards to the 2003 Iraq War
War for prestige consideration Indochina (1946) and the Falklands (1982): A comparative study
Dutch foreign policy change towards Russia, 2013-2014
Dutch foreign fighters: Three cases compared
Egalitarian justice and the state
Sugar-coating over a bitter pill? The effects of delegating counter-radicalisation policies at themunicipal level in the Netherlands
The politics of the water crisis in the state of São Paulo: Assessing the limits of securitization theory
Counter-radicalization in the classroom: Better safe than sorry?
Turkey in motion: The reversal of democratization?
2015/Political Science (Master)/ Faculty of Social & Behavioral Sciences/ 1887/33649
Developing the developed world? The European Union counter-radicalisation discourse through the lens of critical development theories
The Netherlands and the use of force in Libya: Minority governments & humanitarian intervention
The Arab Spring and Degrees of Change in Human Rights Conditions: examining the cases of Libya and Tunisia
