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(697 - 720 of 745)


Fractieafsplitsingen in de lokale politiek: De relatie tussen partij- en gemeentekenmerken, en de kans op fractieafsplitsingen
Libya: The EU’s failure to act in concert. Analyzing the interests of France, the UK, Germany and Italy
Conflicts in the polder; How ministers and top civil servants collide
The Dutch military mission in Uruzgan (2006-2010): Vidi, veni, mansi et pecuniam solvi? (I saw, I came, I stayed and I payed?)
Jong Geleerd... De invloed van politieke jongerenorganisaties op hun moederpartijen
Predictoren van stemintenties van Hindoestaanse jongeren in Nederland
Knowledge about the European Union and its predictors in twenty-five European Countries
The Dutch Slavery monument
Bijzonder onderwijs: nog geaccepteerd?
Inzet van de Nederlandse krijgsmacht in Kunduz en Libië. Een analyse van de politieke besluitvorming.
Pork in Brazil and the Executive Toolbox
Securitizing Climate Change - Why the Way Climate Change is Framed Matters
The GATT/ WTO Dispute Settlement: Performance of Developing and Developed States in Initiated Disputes, 1948 – 2011
'Truth is the first casualty' How does embedded journalism influence the news coverage of TFU in the period 2006-2010?
The Dilemma Behind Somali Piracy: How Territorial Integrity Hinders Effective State Response.
Clash of the Projects? New Perspectives for Observing Water Scarcity in the Nile Basin
Sexual exploitation and UN peacekeepers - why the problem continues to persist
The effect of EU leverage on the levels of corruption in Romania and Bulgaria
Never Ask a Woman to Do a Man’s Job? Gender Difference, Workplace Equality & Quota Hiring
Mind the gap
The Giant and the dwarf-The Responsibility to Protect norm- succesful on paper, worthless in practice -
Avoiding Panopticon: Reconsidering privacy violations by governments
Facilitating a Moral Compromise in Plural Liberal Democracies: Why a Policy of Compulsory Attendance During Elections is Justifiable
Secession and Causes for External State Recognition
