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  • (-) = Political Science (MSc
  • (-) ≠ Meegdenburg, Hilde van
  • (-) ≠ Meijerink, F.
  • (-) ≠ 2013

Search results

(25 - 48 of 1,067)


The effect of Indirect Military Interventions on One Sided Violence
Reuring in de Raad
Reasonable Demands
Shifting Power in Central Asia
Investing in Peace: Unraveling Foreign Development Aid's Role in Preventing Ethnic Conflict Reoccurrence
Polish-Belarusian border crisis and Frontex
The influence of African Regional Economic Communities (RECs) on coup occurrence: An analysis of the Eastern African Community (EAC) and the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS)
Comparing the World Health Organization’s “best buy” alcohol control policies in Hungary and Romania.
Understanding Conflict and Water Scarcity: The Nile Basin between Egypt and Ethiopia
Economic Development Aid and Conflict Intensity in Minor Civil Conflicts
Accessing EU trade policies: Exploring the effect of increased parliamentary power on lobby access post-Lisbon
Electoral Volatility and Party Polarization as Challenges to Democratic Stability in Latin America
The Role of Political Interest in the Securitization of Migration in Türkiye After the Syrian Refugee Crisis
Elite Power and Institutional Performance
24 Years in Rwanda, A Closer Look at What Happened Under Kagame
From Rhetoric to Reality: Uruguay’s Strategy and Mercosur’s Trade Resurgence
Beyond the Wall: Dissecting Mexican Interests to Account for the Lack of a Comprehensive US-Mexico Bilateral Cooperation Framework in Migration.
In the “global boiling” era; energy production and consumption: Case study Finland
Democratic engagement in second order elections.
Non-Democratic Regimes and UNGA Voting: A Fuzzy Set QCA of the Ukraine Invasion Resolution
Squabbling on ethnic lines
Gender-based violence(s) in crises: the failure of France and Italy in protecting women
Does your home matter? Analysis of Housing Tenure and Political Participation in Europe
A quantitative study of the effect of perceived threats on immigration policy preference in a sample of seven african states
