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(937 - 960 of 1,068)


The Curious Case of Twitter and Its Use in Public Diplomacy in The Netherlands
Burgemeester, Veiligheid en Democratie. De relatie tussen de bevoegdheden van de Nederlandse burgemeester op het gebied van veiligheidsbeleid en de wijze van aanstelling.
The causes of external recognition: A Crisp Set Analysis
A Violent Playground.
The Calculus of Ethnicity
Mapping Distrust and De-alignment: Evidence from Thirty-Five Democracies
Accountability and Opposition Parties in Dutch Municipal Councils
‘The economic inconsistency in the human rights policy of the European Union: myth or world fact?’
Campaigning without Subsidies. Explorations on the Organization and Funding of the Election Campaigns of Independent Local Parties in the Netherlands
The Consequences of the Economic Crisis on the Voting Behavior. The Loss of Political Trust in the Incumbency and Electoral Volatility in Greece
Effect van onderwijs over politiek cynisme op het politiek cynisme onder jongeren.
The road to democracy or mission impossible? An analysis of UN mediation in Myanmar between 1992-2013
A process of self-realization: The impact of secession referenda on inter-ethnic relations in Quebec and Latvia
Power Sharing in Post-Civil War Lebanon: An Evaluation
Exploring ‘Europe’ in Dutch Social Studies high school textbooks: quantity and associations
De rekrutering en selectie van politieke partijen op lokaal niveau
Binnenlandse steun voor buitenlandbeleid
Towards Authoritarianism, A case study on the influence of Russia on Kyrgyzstan
De Nederlandse positie ten opzichte van Israël vanaf 14 mei 1948 tot en met 18 januari 2009
Constraints and Opportunities
The fine line of Chinese recognition: A case study on Somaliland and South Sudan
De houding van de Nederlandse regering en Tweede Kamer ten opzichte van acht Israëlisch-Arabische conflicten
Fragmentation and Committee Work in Dutch Parliament
Schaakspel met de regering
