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(1,009 - 1,032 of 1,068)


Understanding China's Trade Legal Reforms In The Backdrop of WTO - A Cross-National Study
Met stip op één. Een onderzoek naar het succesvolle verkiezingsdebuut van Leefbaar Rotterdam in de Rotterdamse gemeentepolitiek
Fractieafsplitsingen in de lokale politiek: De relatie tussen partij- en gemeentekenmerken, en de kans op fractieafsplitsingen
Libya: The EU’s failure to act in concert. Analyzing the interests of France, the UK, Germany and Italy
Conflicts in the polder; How ministers and top civil servants collide
The Dutch military mission in Uruzgan (2006-2010): Vidi, veni, mansi et pecuniam solvi? (I saw, I came, I stayed and I payed?)
Jong Geleerd... De invloed van politieke jongerenorganisaties op hun moederpartijen
Predictoren van stemintenties van Hindoestaanse jongeren in Nederland
Negativity and Press-Party Parallelism: Levels and Patterns of Negativity in the Newspaper Coverage of Greek Parliamentary Elections
Political Trust During The Sovereign Debt Crisis
Knowledge about the European Union and its predictors in twenty-five European Countries
The Dutch Slavery monument
Inzet van de Nederlandse krijgsmacht in Kunduz en Libië. Een analyse van de politieke besluitvorming.
Bijzonder onderwijs: nog geaccepteerd?
Pork in Brazil and the Executive Toolbox
Is the economy better off than before?
Securitizing Climate Change - Why the Way Climate Change is Framed Matters
The GATT/ WTO Dispute Settlement: Performance of Developing and Developed States in Initiated Disputes, 1948 – 2011
'Truth is the first casualty' How does embedded journalism influence the news coverage of TFU in the period 2006-2010?
The Dilemma Behind Somali Piracy: How Territorial Integrity Hinders Effective State Response.
The impact of television news exposure and
Valuing the Dutch. A study into the Dutch value priority between 2002 and 2010 and its relation to attitudes on immigration using the European Social Survey
Clash of the Projects? New Perspectives for Observing Water Scarcity in the Nile Basin
Ballistic Missile Defense Resource Extraction in the Netherlands
