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Search results

(73 - 96 of 337)


A case study of intergenerational transmission of conflict memories and exclusionary attitudes against ethnic and religious minority groups in Bangladesh
Frontex and Maritime Security in the Mediterranean Sea
Human rights violations for sale
Increase of tensions as the result of security dilemma dynamics: A qualitative study of Cross-Strait relations
BoerBurgerBeweging: geen wolf in schaapskleren
Framing a pandemic: How the political affiliation of British newspapers influenced their news coverage of the Covid-19 crisis
The Russian Federation, traditional values within the United Nations and the ‘worth’ of LGBTQI+ rights through the Multiple Streams Framework
Felonious Financing
Legitimizing occupations: Is the UN complicit in illegal occupations?
God and Country?
Bottom-up nationalism and identity construction on social media: An analysis of Hindu Nationalist groups in India
For Women’s rights, Against Women’s Will
Reframing Women’s Participation in Peacemaking: Beyond Formal Negotiations
Van primus inter pares naar primus super pares
We Cannot Negotiate and Fight
Hindu Nationalism, Love Jihad and the Criminalization of Inter-faith Marriage:
The Impact of the Securitisation of Rare Earth Elements on Multilateral Cooperation
Contestation of cyberspace norm
How to Get Away with Human Rights Violations as an International Organisation: The case of the EU's externalised migration policy in Libya
Political Legitimacy, Reformist Consent Theories, and Panarchy
Het Effect van Regeringswisseling op de Kiezer
Pluralism in the context of the political
Construction of women’s empowerment: the global and the local
The influence of Russia and the US on EU member states’ sense of urgency to cooperate on defence
