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(1 - 24 of 111)


Anti-corruption: starts from you? The influence of the European Union on the fight against corruption in the Republic of Croatia (2001 – 2018)
Influence of threat perception on EU enlargement: Russia and the 5th wave of EU enlargement
The long arm of the union: Norway and Switzerland, and their interpretation of state sovereignty in their relationship with the European Union
The impact of quality of government on European cohesion policy fund absorption: A study of the Italian regions of Abruzzo and Basilicata
Framing Legitimacy: Colombian newspaper presentation of FARC-EP members
The Netherlands fishing behind the net? An analysis of the ban on electric pulse fishing
Explaining the differences in the direct socio-economic integration of Afghan and Syrian refugees in the Netherlands
The state of trust: Governmental capacity, political trust and (non-)violent conflict in sub-Saharan Africa
“Hol dir dein land zurück!” Voter communication by right-wing populist parties in an era of social media
Intra-party leadership elections: What are its effects on party unity?
The grey areas of European economic governance: Financial accounting standards
En de voorkeurstem gaat naar...: Het effect van "stem op een vrouw" op de Tweede Kamerverkiezingen van 2017
Changing the meaning of a norm: International nongovernmental organizations and the development of R2P
Personal politics: Donald Trump and the European political structure
The importance of national contexts for European solution: What explains member states' positons on the common European asylum system reforms
The Obama administration’s increased dependency on private military companies in Iraq and Afghanistan: A comparative study with the Bush administration
In search of belonging: Mobile children in the Gulf
The political is personal: Exploring the de-Turkification of the Kurdish diaspora in the Netherlands
The myth of Malawi’s ethno-regionalism: Diverging appeals by political parties
Development and colonialism in Indonesia: Tracing back the Suharto developmental state to Dutch colonialism
China’s #Ricebunnies localizing #MeToo. Norm localization of anti-sexual harassment sentiment: A PRC case study
Capacity to manage: The EU hotspot-approach in the 2015 migration crisis
Populism and voting behaviour on European integration issues in the European Parliament
The relationship between regime type, economic dependency and the effectiveness of sanctions: A case study of Iran
