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Public Participation in the Restoration Process of Monuments
Mes Aynak its past, its present, its future, and its challenges
An Analysis on the Pigeon Remains Found in the Roman well at Tabacalera (Gijón, Northern Spain)
The Horse as an Instrument of Connection. A Preliminary Case Study Into Equid Morphology Based on Metapodia and Mandibular Cheek Teeth Found at the Medieval Site of Tiel Medel
Baobab in Berenike and Myrobalan in Myos Hormos
Barrow and Depositional Landscapes and the Bourtanger Moor Case
Experiencing the Past in Sid Meier's Civilization VI: Digital surveying on the public's perception of the past in video games
Urban Zooarchaeology: A Preliminary Study of Human-Animal Relationships in Sittard (Limburg, the Netherlands) during the High to Late Middle Ages
The Origins of Interactions. The analysis of Insular Caribbean Interactions with the Circum-Caribbean mainland from AD 1000 - 1492
Merchant mothers and romanized religion: A study on the Matronae and Nehalennia altars at the Roman frontier of Germania Inferior
Changes in animal husbandry in the Netherlands during the Neolithic
Basalt Celts: Exploration of Pre-Columbian Basalt Tools in the Gulf of Fonseca & Throughout Mesoamerica with XRF
Farming or fishing?
Ancient Storage and AI
Gaming the Divine: The Interplay of Luck, Materiality, and Divine in the Late Roman Republic
The Anatolian Context of Philia Period Burial Types in Cyprus
Globalized Gauls?
Unveiling Neanderthal Advancement in Fire Initiation through Manganese dioxide ( MnO₂)
The Archaeology/Gender Theory Dualism
The character of megafauna exploitation in southern Africa by Later Stone Age hunter-gatherers during the Robberg, Oakhurst and Wilton periods
The distribution patterns of Byzantine Amphorae of the North Syrian type in the Middle East during Late Antiquity (5th-8th centuries)
Prevalence of Hallux Valgus and Osteoarthritis in two Post-Medieval populations from The Netherlands: a shoe problem?
Broken bones, bent words and bloody images: an archaeological perspective on torture in the Middle Ages in Europe.
Network Analysis of Ottoman Pottery Across the Balkans and the Aegean
