Leiden University Student Repository

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  • (-) = Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs
  • (-) ≠ Abbas, T.
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(2,905 - 2,923 of 2,923)


A comparative content analysis of the extremist magazines 'Dabiq' (IS) and 'Inspire' (AQAP)
Operation Rapid Return: A case study on if- and how the Ministry of Defense applied sensemaking during an evacuation operation in Libya
European Passenger Name Record trough the Multiple Streams Framework: The Power of Streams in the Policy Making
Public Service Motivation binnen het ROC van Flevoland.
Social Media Intelligence for Law Enforcement. An exploratory study on the advantages and challenges of social media monitoring for the Dutch National Police
Critical Security Governance and the European Neighbourhood Policy after the Arab Spring: Continuity or 'Substantive' Change?
Kennisdeling: een go or no go voor gecertificeerde jeugdzorginstellingen in Nederland?
Conflict dynamics in irregular armed conflict. A comparative case study of Israel, Lebanon, Namibia and Sri Lanka
Samenwerken aan ambtelijk vakmanschap in een veranderende organisatie. Onderzoek naar het effect van de spanningen tussen de bureaucratie en de netwerkorganisatie op het ambtelijk vakmanschap
Veranderbereidheid van de medewerkers van de Huurcommissie
The Lawfare Perspective: An Explorative Research. The Boston Bombings trial analyzed
The multinational corporations connection to security in the Democratic Republic of Congo. How do Philips and Vodafone implement Corporate Social Responsibility programs in the Democratic Republic of Congo?
Leiden naar Vertrouwen. Waardengedreven leiderschap en leiderschapsvertrouwen bij politie Gooi en Vechtstreek
To what extent has the accession process of the Western Balkans contributed to the fight against organized crime within their interior?
Een vergelijkend onderzoek of decentralisatie van de Wmo op het gebied van de verstandelijk gehandicaptenzorg leidt tot meer maatwerk
Does terrorism always terrorize? If so, whom and for how long? A study of reactions to the September 11th 2001 attack, and the London bombings of 7th July 2005 in the light of public opinion polls
The Hofstad group: conditions of Collective violence. A case of Homegrown Jihadi Terrorism
Under the supervision of the media. On the role of the news media in intelligence oversight
Ripeness on Initiated Peace Processes in Colombia: A Case Study of M-19 (1989) and FARC-EP (1999)
