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(1 - 23 of 23)
Deconstructing The Recruitment Narratives for Male and Female Recruits Within The Islamic State Media
Gender-Specific Narratives in Online Radicalisation: An Analysis of Islamic State Magazine Dabiq
Masculinity in Manifestos: An Analysis of ‘The Inconvenient Truth’ and ‘An Open Letter’
“The mainstream media falsely labeled me alt-right. I am a traditional conservative and an America-first nationalist”
Women of far-right in Finland: The case of Suomineidot documentary
Beyond the Veil: Unmasking Cultural and Gendered Ideologies in Islamic State Media's Representation of Western Women
Constructs of ideal manhood in right-wing extremist manifestos: A comparative critical discourse analysis.
Contrasting Female ISIS Supporters and Female ISIS Returnees in German Newspaper Articles
The Securitisation of Shamima Begum
Uncovering Islamophobia in the Media: The case of Shamima Begum in the British Press
The media portrayal of Iraqi male and female suicide bombers
Reframing Gender Stereotypes in Terrorism: French Women Returnees and their Portrayal in French News Media
Gendered media portrayal of PIRA terrorists
Tradwives: femininity and the extreme right
Women in ISIS: a mythical norm
How do certain techniques that are identified in the manifestos of Brendan Tarrant and Patrick Crusius show that they enabled themselves to engage in violence?
Violent Ethnic Environmentalism: A Qualitative Analysis of Ecofascist Ideals in Extreme-Right Manifestos
Manifestos of Right-Wing Extremists to Inspire Others
Analysing anti-feminist trends in extreme-right manifestos: comparing Anders Breivik and Elliot Rodger
White Genocide in Far-right Manifestos
Anti-Immigration Framing in Extreme-Right Manifestos: An Analysis
The Role of Conspiracy Theories in Extremist Manifesto's
Extreme-Right Manifestos: Comparing Identity- and Crisis-Solution Construction