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  • (-) = Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs
  • (-) ≠ Kerkhoff, A.D.N.
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(1 - 24 of 535)


The Effect of Targeted Sanctions on Civil Liberties: a Case Study Approach
To what extent was the “committee for the security of the republic” (COPASIR) capable to hold PM CONTE accountable during the first wave of the covid-19 pandemic in Italy?
Paradise is Under Her Feet
Whats-Apping the world into a safer place
Challenges to the Effectiveness and Legitimacy of the National Coordinator of Counterterrorism (NCTV)
Shaping Votes and Shifting Tides: Unraveling the Influence of Government Economic Performance on Voter Preferences in Migration Policies
The Framing of Political Discourse by Far-Right Political Parties Regarding Immigration in France and Its Impact on the Displayed Message.
Exploring the role of the narrative and the internet in the process of self-radicalisation.
Bridging Borders: Colombian-Mexican Security and Intelligence Cooperation in the Twenty-first Century
The Role of Cognitive Variables on the Lethality of Suicide Attempts in Small-Scale Societies
Unravelling the Shadows of the Authoritarian Legacy on the Effectiveness of Chilean Intelligence Services
Men of the West must be Men once more
Deconstructing The Recruitment Narratives for Male and Female Recruits Within The Islamic State Media
The SISMI Scandals and Italian Intelligence Accountability
Adapting to Economic Crisis
Unmasking the Fragments: A Critical Examination of Dutch Cybersecurity Governance landscape and its Political and Policy Implications
The Dutch Police Force implement chat robot in the public sector: A case study of the chat robot “Wout” in The Netherlands.
The Influence of Democratisation on Brazil’s Intelligence Community
Addressing the Root Causes of Radicalisation of Migrants as an Alternative to Securitisation of Boundaries
Caught in a Cycle: Analysing the Lack of Evolution in Pakistan’s Counter Violent Extremism Policies
The Impact of Democratic Decay on the Intelligence Services in Ecuador
Unmasking the paradox: The consequences of predictive policing on police legitimacy in the Netherlands
Categorizing and determining the Partnership between G4S and the Almere municipality using the PTP framework
Gender-Specific Narratives in Online Radicalisation: An Analysis of Islamic State Magazine Dabiq
