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  • (-) = Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs
  • (-) ≠ Klein, G.R.E.
  • (-) = Wittendorp, S.

Search results

(1 - 24 of 26)


De ambigue definitie van het begrip 'Radicalisering'
A potentially dangerous discourse
Social Media, The Real Enemy? “What mechanisms explain the dissemination and correction of rumours on Twitter during the tram shooting crisis in Utrecht?”
Lessons Learned or Political Persuasion? Policy-Oriented Learning and Policy Change in the Dutch Counterterrorism Domain. An Advocacy Coalition Approach
U.S. Identity in Times of Drones
“Converting cultures of impunity into cultures of deterrence”
The Writing is on the Wall
The human factor of cyber security
Securitization, environmental issues and Dutch political parties
Personal security and beyond: A study on how refugees in Athens who travelled via Turkey make sense of what the next step in their migration trajectory should be
An Emerging Security State? The Netherlands and the emergence of a preventative paradigm
Mediating the European Model: A critical analysis of the European Union's foreign policy response to the Syrian conflict (2011-ongoing)
A Policy Frozen in Ice? An examination of United States Discursive Securitization of the Arctic
Constructing Humanitarian Data Norms: A comparative analysis of humanitarian data regulations
Framing brings the foreign fighter home
Meaning-making: discourse and the European Union’s external action instruments in Somalia
SECURE STATE OR SECURITY STATE? The possible development of the Netherlands into a security state, since the implementation of preventive counterterrorism measures in 2011
Bringing the Fight Home: Assessing the Capacity of the African Union as a Counterterrorism Actor
Terrorist or murderer? On the offender characteristics of lone-actor terrorists and routine homicide offenders in Europe
The Movement for Peace with Justice and Dignity in Mexico: How a social movement influenced the political discourse
Antiradicalisation. A Policy Review
An exploration of Russia's military approach during the Ukrainian Crisis (2013-2015)
Rebel Diplomacy - Do interstate signals impinge on the diplomatic practice of rebel groups?
Frontex: Securitizing agency or Human Rights bulwark?
