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(1 - 24 of 24)
How German and Italian consent to the EU economic sanctions against Russia, following the events in Ukraine between November 21st 2013 and July 31st 2014, can be explained by normative entrapment
Tax reform in Guatemala; Factors that Accounted for the Success and Failure of Tax Reform during the Governments of Colom and of Molina
The Emergence of Multiple Somali Polities: From Grandiose Pan-Somalism to Retreat into Clan Enclaves?
Het offensief realisme als verklaring voor de spanningen tussen de NAVO en Rusland
Africa's Curse and Blessing
A Vicious Circle of Extractive Institutions. The European Union’s Peacebuilding Efforts in Mali
Understanding Greek Negotiation Behavior - How Hawkish Biases make sense of Greek Negotiation Behavior in June 2015
Een Grens Overschreden. Aanpak Islamitische Radicalisering: Nederland en Frankrijk in vergelijkend perspectief
Terrorism, Media Framing, and Political Ideologies:a triangular relationship
Russia, Turkey and Bosnia-Herzegovina, A study of operational codes which may harm peacebuilding
Kosovo: A Study in Peacebuilding After Secession and the Role of External Actors
Explaining Germany’s refugee policy change in 2015 using Kingdon’s Multiple Stream Framework; in comparison with the Netherlands
Migrant integration in Rotterdam compared to Antwerp: a first exploration of data
EU Democracy Promotion in Ukraine: 'The Privileged Neighbor'
De effecten van directe democratie. Een analyse van twee nationale referenda in Nederland
The Dublin Regulation. An analysis of the Dublin Regulation and its effects on the degree of solidarity between EU Member States during the refugee crisis
Integration policies in Europe. A comparison between France and the Netherlands
Fighting displacement. The impact of post-conflict security on displacement in Kosovo and Libya
Europeanization and de-Europeanization of migration policies in times of crisis: the case of Greece
Views On Immigration In Latvia. An Exploration of Opinions and Some Possible Causes.
Media Framing in het Vluchtelingendebat: een content analyse van artikelen van BILD Zeitung, Der Spiegel, Elsevier en De Telegraaf
The impact og the Syrian refugee crisis management on Turkey's migration policy between 2011-2015
Russian Natural Gas Dependence: The European Commission's Response
Policy Change After The Soma Mine Disaster. A Case Study from Turkey