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  • (-) = Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs
  • (-) ≠ Kuipers, S.L.
  • (-) = 2020

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(49 - 72 of 679)


Het Gemeentelijk Kompas
Key Figure or Snitch? An Exploratory Study into Youth Workers’ Considerations, Dilemmas, and Interventions when Dealing with Radicalization-Related Cases
The Effects of Prison Education on Employment of the Formerly Incarcerated: A Meta-Analysis of Correctional Education Programs in the United States
Vrouwen naar de top
All Bark and no Bite? Coalition/Opposition decision-making in European Municipal Councils
Een inclusief klimaat binnen de publieke sector
Inclusiveness of citizen participation initiatives: how important is it for local councillors?
Effectiveness of short-term emergency response after Hurricane Irma in Saint Martin: A comparative case study between France and the Netherlands
Involving companies in local policy making: A case study on the Regional Energy Strategies (RES)
Local climate adaptation policymaking
It Only Happens to Others, Not to Me! The Influence of Unrealistic Optimism Toward Negative Online Events on Intentions to Use Public Wi-Fi Networks
Viability of Civil War
Approaching the City
Assessing a Security Network's Effectiveness in Enabling Predictive Policing
Ethnicity and its Impact on Political Party Choice
The Perseverance of Hawks:How Overconfidence Worsened Tensions in the Bosnian War
Economic Divergence in the European Union, an Institutional Approach
Maatschappelijke mobilisatie, politieke stilstand en een verschuivende anti-abortusargumentatie
David vs Goliath
The influence of user centricity in digital public services on citizens’ trust in the national government
A Diplomatic Answer To Gender Representation
Return to Sender
Praten met de democratie
Belangenbehartiging in de luchtvaartsector
