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  • (-) = Zetland, David

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(1 - 24 of 26)


Perceptions of risk: Responses to Fukushima nuclear reactor accident in Japan, Germany and the United Kingdom
Moving Towards a Climate Robust Region: a Case Study on Mainstreaming Climate Adaptation at Hoogheemraadschap Van Delfland
How Did Argentina Go From Hero to Zero? The Paradox of Argentine Political Development
Dutch Housing Policy and Its Implications for New Entrants on the Housing Market in Large Dutch Cities
Assessing Impact Investing in Fragile States: Burundi
The Complex Relationship Between Public Opinion and Political Outputs
Paddy Farming in Malaysia: a Critical Assessment Concerning the Effectiveness of the Kada Irrigation District
Feeding the Dutch: How Have Institutions Influenced Dutch Food Security?
Sugar Tax as Prevention of Obesity and Overweight the Case of the Czech Republic
The Impact of International Organizations on Water Governance Policy
Change of Crops: How Has the Decentralization of Day Care Responsibilities Affected Dutch Green Care Farmers?
What Are the Associated Risk Factors of Obesity in U.S Youth?
Started From the Top, Now We’re Here. A Historical Analysis of the Current Food Crisis in Venezuela
The road to the circular economy: A cost-benefit analysis of plastic and aluminum recycling in the Netherlands
Defending Pakistan’s Development. How GDP, as an Indicator for Economic Growth, Provides an Incomplete Picture of Pakistan’s Development
The Influence of Conceptual Priming on the Contingent Valuation of Environmental Goods
Pricing Co2: Estimating an Emission Allowance Price That Will Incentivize German Energy Producers to ‘go Green’
Playing the Sovereign Debt Crisis Game
Delta Cities Versus Sea Level Rise: Future-proofing Rotterdam, Jakarta, and New York City
A Gendered Resource Curse? Natural Resource Exploitation and Women’s Political and Economic Power in Canada’s Provinces
Finland Reinvented; the Government’s Role in Developing an Innovative Startup Ecosystem
An Assessment of Biofuel Policies in Colombia Using the Institutional Analysis and Development Framework
A Question of Political Legitimacy: China’s Resilient Authoritarian Model and Performance Legitimacy in the Postreform Era
The Road to Resilience An Evaluation of Climate Change Mitigation in Hong Kong
