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  • (-) = Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs
  • (-) ≠ International Relations and Diplomacy (Advanced Master
  • (-) ≠ Bondarouk, E.V.

Search results

(49 - 72 of 5,649)


From Crisis to Catalyst?
On the move in the digital era. Assessing the impact of social media properties on European governments’ Migration-Information Campaigns.
Active Representation for Him and Her
The European Committee of the Region's political representation
Exploring Stereotypes: Examining the Use of Double Standards by Street-Level Bureaucrats
Between a rock and a hard place
In search of a mechanism explaining the negative effect of turbulence on organisational performance in the public sector: prosocial impact as a mediator
The regional effect of weather disasters on climate attitudes: the case of the July 2021 floods in the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany and France
Shedding Light on Change: a Discursive Institutionalist Approach to Banking Union
Between Ideals and Expertise: UNHCR's Influence on German and Dutch Admission Policies in the Face of the Syrian Refugee Crisis (2015-2020)
Aiming for the Stars: Exploring the ACM’s Reputational Strategies during the Dutch Energy Crisis
Minilateralism in the EU Council's Decision-Making
The danger of Euroscepticism for Party Cohesion within the European Parliament
Stable Leadership: Adapting to New Realities of Governance
Economic sanctions imposed on Russia: powerful, locked-in or symbolism? The window dressing of the European Council
The effect of the Dutch Work and Security Act on perceived job quality in The Netherlands, across sectors. A difference-in-difference approach.
Working from home: a success for gender equality in the division of household labor?
No money, no funny?
Assessing the Effects of the Russian invasion of Ukraine on EU Defence Cooperation: A Strategic Management Analysis
Euroscepticism, Budgetary Pressures and Labor Migration: Explaining Dissent in the Justice and Home Affairs Council
Think tank influence on the European Union's sanction regime.
The consequences of tightening the job search requirements
Accelerating Residential Energy Transitions
Addressing Gender Employment Inequalities
