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(1 - 24 of 53)


The regional effect of weather disasters on climate attitudes: the case of the July 2021 floods in the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany and France
Greening Economics: How Policy Can Drive Eco-Innovation, Cut Emissions, and Boost Economic Growth
The relationship between starter loans and house price developments: a panel data analysis
The effect of the energy allowance on the mental and physical health of Dutch households: evidence from a regression discontinuity analysis.
Risk of automation and job satisfaction of Dutch workers
The impact of legal right to childcare on parental labour supply in Germany
Data Protectionism and Data-intensive Start-ups; Does the Restrictiveness of Data Policies Affect the Entry Rate?
The Power of Announcements
On the relationship between labor market vulnerability and support for populism in the Netherlands
Het effect van het leenstelsel op de mentale gesteldheid van jongeren
Robots and the Older Generation: The Impact of Skill-Biased Technological Change on Wage Inequality Between Older Workers
The Dutch housing market and the pandemic
The effects of occupational labour market conditions on false self-employment in Europe
A research on the effects of the ‘inkomensafhankelijke combinatiekorting’ on the labor market participation of women in the Netherlands.
Waarom het de Duitser wél lukte
Decentralizing economic policy: The impact of Regional Development Agencies on the regional economy
De effecten van gezondheidsschokken op altruïstisch gedrag
Een onderzoek naar de invoering van de WWZ en de consumptie van duurzame goederen
Welke pandemie overheerst? De (onzichtbare) lasten van COVID-19
Begrotingsbeslissingen in crisistijd: in de hoofden van beleidsmakers
Tijdelijk, vast of helemaal geen contract meer?
The relationship between experiencing a recession during the formative years of an individual’s early adulthood and their long-term sentiments towards the EU
Girl power! Laughing all the way to the bank
The Impact of Cash Conditional Transfers on Education and Youth Work in Argentina
